earthquake recurrence
- 网络地震复发;地震轮回

Tectonic stress field and large earthquake recurrence period in China
The Study on Earthquake Recurrence Model and Strong Earthquake Tendency in Yunnan
Application of the Earthquake Recurrence Period in the North of Henan
Fault slip rate , earthquake recurrence intervals and average stress drop
Studies on earthquake recurrence intervals along the eastern fault zone of Maoshan
This paper presents a methodology for determining earthquake recurrence relationships using fuzzy information of earthquake magnitude .
Model of earthquake recurrence : Role of elastic wave radiation , relaxation of friction , and inhomogeneity
The uniform slip method for estimating mean slip rate and earthquake recurrence interval of strike slip fault
Study on the scaling relations between the intraplate earthquake recurrence interval and fault length and explore its application
Paleoseismology , earthquake recurrence , and the challenge ahead
The earthquake recurrence period studying suggests that a M ≥ 5.0 earthquake will occur in Huoshan-Liu'an area at this block in recently .
Studies of earthquake recurrence frequency . although useful from a statistical point of view , cannot be used with sufficient confidence for a prediction .
There are many problems in the existing models and methods such as earthquake recurrence model , analysis of non definition , interaction between faults and short of information .
The results of calculation suggest that the earthquake recurrence of various seismogenic sources display better time-predictable behavior and relatively poor magnitude-predictable behavior .
ON EARTHQUAKE RECURRENCE INTERVAL STUDY OF THE SELF-VIBRATION FEATURES OF INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS The damping and frequency of seismometer is obtained by using the step calibration function .
The comparison shows that the remarkable difference of large earthquake recurrence intervals between plate boundary and plate interior can be well explained by the attenuation pattern of strain energy .
Based on the above-described features and a Bernoulli model of strong earthquake recurrence , the occurrence probability of strong earthquakes with magnitude of 6 might be very high in the research area before 2005 .
Also , this study further discovers that the temporal clustering in earthquake recurrence process on entire fault zones is mainly caused by the rupture contagion on different fault segments within relatively short periods of time .
In the full collection of regional geological structure and historical seismic data , analyze statistically the earthquake recurrence relationships ( magnitude-frequency relation ) and attenuation law of ground motion in the potential hypocenter of Baoji city .
This model not only has great influence on fault produced landforms and fault slip rates , but also has great significance in the research on seismic activity since it implies that characteristic events dominate earthquake recurrence and the lack of moderate-magnitude events .
According to the characteristics of the fault elements , such as the fault active time , slip rate , fracture displacement , large earthquake recurrence interval and earthquake energy , we have proposed that the parallel attenuation effect of faults activity has universal sence .
Fourth , the authors divide " Safety Island " into three types in the concept of safety period based on the state ot geological bodies and large earthquake recurrence intervals , which are permanently , relatively , and temporarily stable " Island " .
Application of Weibull Distribution in Prediction for Medium-Strong Earthquake 's Recurrence Interval
The relation (?) study on fuzziness processing of earthquake magnitude and earthquake recurrence relationships
Empirical earthquake probabilities from observed recurrence intervals
Influence of the Great 1303 Earthquake Rupture , Shanxi , on Earthquake Recurrence Behavior of Its Adjacent Fault Segments
It is important for earthquake zoning and prediction to know the earthquake recurrence interval m a region .
Wenchuan earthquake ; Yingxiu-Beichuan fault ; activity segmentation ; assessment of earthquake magnitude ; recurrence interval of strong earthquake ;
Because of the limitation of the earthquake science level at present , the seismologists ' estimations to the earthquake recurrence probability of the same fault zone are often different .